The Berkshire's Coach - Millie Calesky

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Millie Calesky - Personal & Professional Coach, Speaker, Trainer, Writer

10 tips to get you jump-started as a public speaker

1. Get trained -- check out course offerings at local colleges, Dale Carnegie and Toastmasters International.

2. Start preparing your talk by jotting down all the points you’d like to cover. Then pick 2-3 main points to focus on. Create an outline that includes a beginning, middle, and end.

3. Use simple language to convey your message.

4. Include stories that emphasize/support/illustrate your main points.

5. Use props -- they’ll help you grab and hold your audience’s attention.

6. To make your talk livelier, use hand, arm and facial gestures. Use vocal variety. Vary your volume. Use pauses.

7. Prepare your speeches well in advance and practice them regularly.

8. Practice in front of your family and friends and get their feedback.

9. Get ongoing support and training. Consider joining Toastmasters.

10. Take every speaking opportunity that comes your way. If none arise, volunteer to speak at your church or for local clubs.

Talk for Success article


International Coaching Federation Toastmasters
Coach University
(413) 655-2555
336 Michaels Road
Hinsdale, MA 01235
(413) 655-0006