Millie Calesky - Public Speaker
a motivational speaker and trainer, Millie Calesky addresses
audiences on subjects ranging from self-development and
thriving in the midst of transition to attaining professional
success. Millie developed her speaking skills as a member
of Toastmasters International has served as President of
the Last Word Chapter in Pittsfield, Massachusetts.
clients include:
American Society of Critical Care Nurses
Berkshire Area Health Education Center
Berkshire Business and Professional Women
Berkshire Chamber of Commerce
Berkshire Leadership Program
Bristol Meyers Squibb - Best Medicine & Science Toastmasters
Central Connecticut Women's Forum
CommGennix Inc. - Tampa, FL
Girl Scouts of Western Massachusetts
Holistic Options Living Products Show
Jewish Federation of the Berkshires, Super Sunday Campaign
Massachusetts Association of Women in Insurance
Massachusetts Department of Transitional Assistance
Mertech Inc. - Personal Health Improvement Program - Norwell,
Mildred Elley Business School
Mind/Body/Spirit Expos
- Cromwell CT, Stamford CT, Albany NY, Providence RI
Patient Care Systems
New American Citizen Coalition
Northern Berkshire Business and Professional Women
Northampton Area Lesbian and Gay Business Guild
Phoenix Companies - Phoenix Phonetics Toastmasters, Hartford,
Teleosis School of Homeopathy - New York, NY
Whole Health Expo, Boston and Northampton, MA
a free copy of Millie's public speaking video, or for
more information, please contact Millie Calesky at 413-655-2555
or Email - millie@milliecalesky.com. |