The Berkshire's Coach - Millie Calesky

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                                     Inspiring you to step into your greatness  

Vol.1, No.6

If you're ready to experience the transformational power
of coaching, why not schedule
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or call 413-655-2555
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Upcoming Presentations

Power Networking
October 3, 2007
3:30 - 5 PM
Berkshire Chamber of Commerce
75 North St., Pittsfield

Acknowledge Yourself,
  Empower Yourself

October 4, 2007
9:30 - 11 AM
BerkshireWorks Career Center
160 North St., Pittsfield

Power Networking for
Job Seekers

October 9, 2007
10 - 11:30
BerkshireWorks Career Center
160 North St., Pittsfield

Succeed in Your
Holistic Practice
October 16, 2007
6-8 PM
Berkshire Community College
1350 West St., Pittsfield


Job Club:
a support group for job seekers

facilitated by
 Millie Calesky

Meets Mondays 1-2 PM
Networking begins 12:45

Career Center
160 North St., Pittsfield

Preregister by calling
413-499-2220 ext 154

or register online


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Coach Millie's
New Horizons

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Your genie awaits - How to access your inner wisdom through writing

As a teenager, I loved to lie in bed late at night and write by candlelight. In these quiet, private times, I was able to connect with and express my deepest feelings - especially those that I didn't feel safe sharing with others. These were special, secret moments - created for me alone. Just by recording my experiences, passions, and challenges, my life felt changed and more manageable.

My love of journaling -- using writing to access my deepest inklings, sentiments and wisdom -- got lost in my 20's, to be reclaimed a decade later after reading the book "The Artist's Way" by Julia Cameron.  The author suggested writing three pages daily as a way to reinvigorate one's creativity.  In two of these pages, she encouraged her reader to record whatever came to mind, without editing or self-censorship.  The third page was to be used for creative experimentation.

I've been writing daily pages for 25+ years.  This practice centers me.  I use it to discharge pent up negativity.  It also helps me access my inner 'genie' - my deepest ideas about how to handle the hurdles that life presents.  Often, as I write, possibilities emerge that I'd never considered before.

Getting started - It is my experience as a coach and writer that the best answers to your dilemmas often lie within.  Writing is an effective way to access your deepest wisdom. If you're ready to access your inner 'genie' through writing, it's simple to get started.  Although you can record your thoughts in a fine, leather-bound book, a simple notebook will suffice.  It is recommended that you write by hand, but if you're strongly inclined to use your computer - that's fine, too. 

Schedule some time when you won't be disturbed.  You may want to start by sitting quietly and taking a few minutes to center yourself.  Then, pick up your pen, and allow the words to flow.  Sample the techniques we've suggested to find the one(s) that work best for you.  

Here are three proven ways to access your "inner genie" through writing:

Stream of consciousness - Start by recording whatever is on your mind in that moment.  Then, keep going.  Don't worry if your writing doesn't seem to make sense.  It doesn't have to and often won't.  Allow your thoughts to carry you.  Make the commitment to fill a page (or two, or more!) and hold yourself to it.  If you get stuck, keep writing anyway.  Don't stop.  You can write - "I'm stuck. Just a moment ago, I was doing fine.  Now I'm at a standstill.  I wonder why.  Maybe it's because-" Just keep writing and eventually the words will start to flow.

Automatic/timed writing - Years ago, I studied with Natalie Goldberg, a Buddhist writing teacher.  She sees (reflective) writing as a discipline, to be practiced regularly, if not daily.  Natalie suggests that, to stimulate your creative flow, put a topic, question, or lead-in phrase at the top of your page.  These could include: "I remember," "I am looking at," I am thinking of."  Commit to write for a set amount of time (at least 10 minutes) and get started.  Don't stop, no matter how great the temptation.  She suggests that you give yourself permission to write "the worst junk in America."  Just set the timer and go.  This technique can be very effective for getting to the root of an issue that's troubling you.

Lists - In addition to providing a convenient format for recording your 'to-do's, you can also use lists to enumerate your ideas, feelings, and intuition without using complete sentences.  Lists are time savers.  They're useful when you feel overwhelmed by the magnitude of everything that you need to deal with.  Even when nothing is resolved, lists help you focus your challenges.

Lists can be especially helpful with decision-making.  First, take a blank sheet of paper and write down all of your options.  Next, list the pros and cons for each of the options.  You'll often find that the decision or answer that you seek will emerge as you write, or soon after.  

A wellspring of wisdom lies within you.  You can tap into that rich pool through writing.  You'll find the process calming and centering, and the rewards deeply satisfying.


"The unexamined life is not worth living." -- Socrates


Please let me know how these tips have helped you.
Write to me at

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